Rest In Peace Rural America Charles L. Ciancio Click to View Full Cover!

PRICE: $18.95 (4.00 s&h)
ISBN: 1-59453-960-X
BOOK SIZE: 6 x 9

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A collage of knowledge, experience, and wisdom that was absorbed throughout the author’s 40-year career with Forestry in California. The author shows how citizens, especially those living in rural areas, are affected by the often-blundered decisions of a non-elected Fourth Branch of government that resides over the land. These decisions are meant to be positive, but they are made without careful study or expert testimony being reviewed.

Consequences of these decisions include:
Hundreds of miles of streams being damaged through stream cleaning projects; a man fined $3500 for moving tadpoles from his backyard pond; the northern spotted owl fiasco hurting rural communities; a man owing $750 in fees to move a few dead logs off his own land; four firefighters dying as a result of being refused access to water from a river inhabited by protected fish.

These are just small portions of what you will learn from reading the pages of Rest In Peace Rural America.


Born October 27, 1943 in Willits, CA, the author has spent his life living and working in rural northern California. School and family activities provided a good life. His folks worked hard to provide a middle class life style and promoted athletic and outdoor activities with friends. At an early age if forced to choose between fishing and going to a matinee, he chose fishing and proceeded to learn every creek in the Willits Little Lake Valley and beyond.

Graduating from Willits High in 1961, he went to Humboldt State College in Arcata, CA, on scholarship, majoring in Forest Management. The author learned about the real world during this period. His father lost his job of 40 years and became disabled after a fall during his sophomore year of college. Money became very tight. Scratching out small scholarships, working jobs, one friend-of-the-family loan, and a committed mother resulted in a college degree in January of 1966.

While some guilt is still felt, classification of 1Y due to bad eyes on draft papers meant no Viet Nam for the author.

Next came 29 years as a private industry forester for the Crawford Lumber Company sold to Georgia Pacific Corporation to spin-off Louisiana Pacific Corporation. The job was a good one, and the author was able to experience and learn things most foresters and rural folks never experience and learn. Working hard and directly confronting problems moved the author into higher management levels, but being direct could have been a factor in being let go when middle management purge occurred in 1995.

As a consultant forester, the author was able to further his knowledge of forestry and the rural situation. Having been raised, lived, and worked in Rural America, being married since 1971, raising four kids, having gone through some tough times, and having confronted inappropriate actions and thinking, the author has developed a simple, real world way to describe and fight to keep the good things that are unjustifiably being taken away.


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